Protecting people and planet
Protecting people and planet
Protecting people and planet
Protecting people and planet
Protecting people and planet
Protecting people and planet
Lucion Group
21st January, 2020
Setts can only be closed under license between July and November (inclusive). Land owners and developers need to consider the potential for badgers within 30m of their site at an early stage to avoid delays if a sett is identified.
Badger activity survey
Badger bait marking study season: |
Optimal survey period from February to May (useful to gain indication of the extent of badger group territories) |
How long to allow for surveys? |
One visit for the initial survey, bait marking typically over a period of two-three weeks |
Planning risk: |
Survey information is required during the planning determination period, failure to provide may result in delays to determination, or even refusal |
Construction risk: |
Badger setts can cause major delays to the commencement of development works and impact on the programme. Licenced mitigation works are restricted to 1st July to 30th November (inclusive) |
Design risk: |
Potential requirement for on-site mitigation, impact on available developable area |
See our Nesting Bird Survey information.
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