Protecting people and planet
Protecting people and planet
Protecting people and planet
Protecting people and planet
Protecting people and planet
Protecting people and planet
Lucion Group
17th April, 2023
Property Week's annual Industrial & Logistics Conference & Showcase is the premier gathering for agents, developers, investors, occupiers, and innovators in the industrial and logistics sector.
Taking place on May 3-4, 2023, at the new Park Plaza in London Victoria, attendees will have the chance to discuss the latest industry trends and insights through market updates, keynotes, panel discussions, round tables, and networking opportunities. More than 30 high-level speakers will provide a comprehensive view of the industry, with a focus on the fastest-growing commercial property sector. The event will examine the sector's latest movements in a challenging economic climate, and participants can look forward to two full days of thought-provoking presentations and discussions, along with unparalleled networking opportunities.
Some of the key themes covered in this key annual event include;
Hazel Gillings, Technical Director, Transactional ESG & Group Internal ESG Lead, Lucion Group and Graham Duffield, Client Services Director – Advisory, Delta-Simons will be hosting and presenting a key roundtable workshop, focusing on ESG requirements and how we can demonstrate value on the road to net zero carbon by 2025.
The significance of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors has risen substantially for businesses due to the growing demand for transparent disclosure of ESG performance metrics across the entire value chain by investors, clients, employees, and consumers.
There are several reasons why businesses should prioritise ESG, including risk mitigation. By assessing a business against appropriate ESG framework and metrics, it can identify any gaps that may pose a risk to the company or fund, helping to protect it from criticism regarding environmental or social topics.
In addition to identifying risks, reviewing a company or fund against a set of ESG criteria provides a holistic view of the business and how it is currently presented to key stakeholders. This can be essential to securing long-term contracts, recruiting and retaining top talent, and taking a leadership position in the market to bring up those in the value chain.
Understanding a business from a sustainable and ethical viewpoint can also reframe its purpose and give it the tools to future-proof and inform business strategy. By digging deeper into what areas are most important to the company and how its current operations align with stakeholders' ideals, it can prioritise its efforts and improve its ESG position.
Regardless of the reason for addressing and improving an organisation's ESG position, implementing solid ESG principles and ESG assessment tools can help ensure that assets have the potential to grow in value while mitigating investment risk.
As a national provider with a regional presence, we work with clients from multiple sectors including; industrial, commercial and residential developers, retailers, industrial manufacturers, fund managers, institutional investors, hi-tech companies, the public sector and charitable organisations. For the past 30 years, our team has provided a holistic suite of trusted environmental services and advice, designed to mitigate risk to both people and the environment, whilst removing the pain from planning or maintaining developments, buildings and/or assets.
If you are looking to partner with an environmentally conscious, holistic environmental health and safety services supplier, get in touch with our team by emailing
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