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Planning to refurbish and modernise your buildings? Have you budgeted for asbestos management?

Lucion Group

Lucion Group

5th November, 2020

Refurbishment and modernisation developments can be costly, but have you and your project management team budgeted for asbestos?


Many public educational building premises were built or refurbished when asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) were regularly used during construction. Any buildings constructed before the use of asbestos was banned in 1999 must be presumed to contain asbestos until an asbestos survey determines otherwise. Before you conduct any refurbishment and modernisation works, as the duty holder, acquiring a pre-refurbishment asbestos survey is crucial to ensuring the safety of the individuals working on your site. 

Your project management team should ensure that you have budgeted for asbestos investigations and remediation at the earliest stage to prevent any unplanned costs and delays to your modernisation project.


Why are asbestos surveys required?

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) estimates that around 5,000 people in the UK die each year from asbestos-related cancers. The World Health Organisation estimates 107,000 people die every year as a result of occupational exposure to asbestos, with figures continuing to rise. Asbestos is only a risk to human and environmental health when it is improperly managed and airborne asbestos fibres are released into the air and subsequently breathed in by building occupants.

Asbestos exposure is preventable when the correct processes are followed. Take the correct steps to prevent exposure by having a pre-refurbishment survey provided by a trusted, accredited supplier. This will protect your students, your team, your contractors and your organisation from asbestos-related risks.


When do I need to get an asbestos pre-refurbishment survey?

You must get an asbestos pre-refurbishment survey ahead of any work that may disturb known and/or unknown ACMs, including:

  • Modernisation projects
  • Refurbishment projects
  • Structural alterations
  • Window/door replacements
  • Installation of telecoms, fire protection and utility services (internal and external)


Any known ACMs within your properties also present a risk of asbestos fibre release and therefore must be managed and maintained through asbestos management activities including;

The risks and associated costs for getting asbestos management wrong can be substantial due to additional works being required and associated project delays. In serious cases the HSE will prosecute for failing to manage asbestos effectively and not protecting your building occupants from asbestos risks.


How can Lucion help to mitigate the risks associated with asbestos?

To mitigate against this we recommend that you engage a trusted, accredited supplier. As the UK’s market-leading asbestos testing, inspection, and consultancy, operating Europe’s largest asbestos laboratory, our team are highly experienced in supporting education sector clients in the planning stage of all refurbishment and modernisation projects undertaken to ensure compliance with the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012.

As the leading asbestos management consultancy in the UK, Lucion offers a number of solutions that go over and above regulatory requirements, including on site asbestos QR Codes and asbestos compliance data management software (provided free with our services), for easy and effective asbestos management throughout your estate. 

These innovative digital solutions have been utilised by multiple clients across a variety of sectors. Lucion’s methods are tried and tested, supported by award-winning, online, risk and compliance management software, Lucion NexGen.


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