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Top Fundraisers for Run Everyone

Lucion Group

Lucion Group

27th April, 2021

Delta-Simons is committed to prioritising Environmental Social & Governance (ESG) initiatives that add value to society alongside the delivery of environmental expertise to our clients. As such, we support a range of community projects and sports activities that promote healthy living and enjoyment of the outdoors whilst fundraising for worthy causes.

To celebrate our sustainability partnership with the Cambridge Half Marathon (CHM), 48 employees of all fitness abilities challenged themselves to run and walk collectively as a team throughout March by participating in CHM’s virtual Run Everyone event.  Alzheimer’s Research UK (ARUK) was the chosen charity partner for the event, an incredible charity that is working to reduce the effects of dementia through research.

A Just Giving fundraising page with a £3,000 target was created and the team were encouraged to promote and share with family & friends and colleagues. An internal Teams page was created as a space to motivate each other with a virtual map of the UK designed for social media to showcase the distance covered and pounds raised. As a team, we were competing against other companies across different categories from Top fundraiser' to Most km ran as a team. Our runners’ collective aim was to run the distance of Land’s End to John O’Groats!). All targets were exceeded, collectively we ran 4054km (two lengths of the UK) with a few injuries along the way, raising £4,321, a staggering 141% over target!! An exemplary achievement of teamwork after a tough year of lock down for all, this really helped get the sense of ‘togetherness’ back.


Kelly Holliday, ARUK UK Sporting Events Manager said “Top of the fundraising leader board and £4,321 raised, just incredible! We are so grateful for your support in taking on ‘Run Everyone’ and you should all be incredibly proud of what you have achieved. We fully appreciate it is a difficult time to ask for donations which makes your total all the more remarkable!

It has been an incredibly challenging period for those that live with dementia and their families. Thanks to the hard work and generosity of fantastic supporters like you, we are able to keep dementia research in the spotlight and take step closer to that life-changing breakthrough. We are really excited to work with you more closely going forward.

Thank you on behalf of everyone at ARUK.


Here is an thank you video from Sue Strachen, an ARUK champion. Sue lives with vascular dementia and took up running on the advice of her GP. She ran the London Marathon for the charity in 2018 and has gone on to raise well over £20,000. Alongside this, she regularly volunteers as a community speaker, championing the importance of dementia research and challenging the multiple misconceptions that surround the condition.


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