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Bat Surveys

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Bat Ecology Surveys FAQ

The cost of our bat surveys will depend on the size and complexity of your site, as well as the level of survey work required. We’ll discuss and agree any additional costs, such as third-party disbursements for data searches or DNA testing, with you upfront. By providing a transparent, all-inclusive quote, we can ensure no unexpected expenses and you can budget accordingly for your project. 

The specific mitigation measures will depend on the species, population size, and roost type identified during the surveys.

Common solutions include:

  • Installing bat boxes to provide alternative roosting features
  • Sensitively timing works to avoid disturbing bats during sensitive periods
  • Creating new roosting opportunities as part of the development.

Lucion will work closely with you to design a tailored mitigation strategy that not only satisfies planning requirements but also minimises impacts on the local bat population. 

No, bats should not stop your development from getting planning permission if the necessary surveys, assessments, and mitigation measures are carried out correctly. Lucion’s licensed ecologists have an unparalleled track record of securing planning approvals, even on sites with confirmed bat roosts. By working closely with you and the local planning authority, we can design tailored solutions that satisfy all legal requirements while enabling your project to proceed. 

The validity of bat survey reports can vary, but as a general rule, we recommend undertaking new surveys within 12-24 months of submitting a full planning application for a Preliminary Roost Assessment (PRA), and within 6-12 months for Emergence/Re-entry Surveys. This ensures the data remains current and accurately reflects the site’s bat population. For European Protected Species Mitigation Licence applications, surveys must be completed within one survey season. 

Bat surveys typically comprise two stages – a Preliminary Roost Assessment (PRA) to identify potential roosting features, followed by Emergence/Re-entry Surveys to confirm the presence and population size of any roosts.

The optimal survey season is between May and September, when bats are most active and detectable. Surveys carried out outside this window may not provide the comprehensive data required to satisfy planning authorities. 

Bats and their roosts are fully protected under UK and European legislation, including the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 and the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017.

If your development has the potential to disturb or harm bats, you are legally required to undertake a bat survey and obtain the necessary licences before proceeding. Failing to do so could result in significant delays, additional costs, and even prosecution. 

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