Safeguard your projects, occupants, and the environment from the concealed threats of lead paint.
Lead paint, once favoured for its properties, poses severe health risks when degraded. Our suite of lead in paint management services addresses the critical need to identify and manage lead paint, protecting against lead poisoning.
Compliance with Control of Lead at Work Regulations (CLAW) 2002 is paramount. Our expertise ensures alignment with legal requirements for refurbishment, development, and demolition projects.
Our lead in paint abatement or removal services include;
- Prepare Technical Specification and Scope of Works for work with Lead
- Develop a select list(s) of competent contractors for types & complexity of Lead work Contractors site visit(s) for pricing/tendering
- Tender or quotation review, contractor interviews & assessment
- Review Contractor’s RAMS
- Undertake site audits or site visits during work with lead.
We understand that your project’s success depends on a proactive and reliable approach to lead paint management. Our team’s expertise ensures that potential risks are identified early, allowing for timely decision-making and implementation of necessary measures. By choosing us, you gain a partner committed to the efficient and safe management of hazardous materials, preventing delays and ensuring project success.
Our specialised Environmental and Hazardous Material team focuses on comprehensive lead paint testing and surveying, ensuring regulatory compliance and fostering a secure environment.