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Streamlined Energy & Carbon Reporting

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Trusted SECR Services

United Nations Global Compact

Lucion is a proud member of the United Nations Global Compact.

View our commitment letter: Letter of Commitment

Environment Analyst Leader Member

Environment Analyst Leader Member

Inclusive of Environment Analyst Sustainability Delivery Group


Palatine Climate Leadership Award

Climate Leadership Award 2023

Lucion Group


Lucion Delta-Simons Ltd has advised Hermes for over 22 years on a range of environmental issues. Their team holds an impressive depth of knowledge and experience, which added to their commercial understanding, makes Lucion Delta-Simons Ltd an invaluable member of our project team.

Jo Flattery Associate Director & Project Management

Bransby Horses is avidly committed to ensuring a responsible, resourceful and compassionate approach to reducing our environmental impact. Our vision to promote a healthier environment includes the advancement of conservation and sustainability through a variety of channels. We are proud to be working in conjunction with Lucion Delta-Simons Ltd to provide a safe and ecological environment which can be enjoyed for future generations.

Joanne Snell General Manager

Lucion logomark

Streamlined Energy & Carbon Reporting (SECR) FAQ

Our team of sustainability experts can provide guidance on the SECR regulations, conduct gap analyses to assess your current reporting capabilities, manage the data collection and validation process, and prepare your final SECR report to ensure compliance. We can also help you interpret the results and identify opportunities to improve your energy efficiency and reduce emissions. 

SECR reporting can help you identify energy efficiency opportunities and cost-saving measures within your business. It also demonstrates your commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility to investors, customers, and other stakeholders. The process of gathering and analysing the data can provide valuable insights to support your broader sustainability strategy and decision-making. 

The calculations should follow recognised methodologies, such as the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Reporting Protocol, using verifiable data sources where possible, such as energy invoices and meter readings. If exact data is unavailable, estimates can be used, but the methodology should be clearly explained. Emission factors provided by the UK government should be applied to convert energy consumption into greenhouse gas emissions. 

The minimum requirements include reporting your total UK energy use (electricity, gas, and transport fuel), the associated greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1 and Scope 2), an emissions intensity ratio that compares your emissions to an appropriate business metric, and a narrative on the energy efficiency actions taken during the reporting period. 

Large UK registered companies, both quoted and unquoted, that meet specific criteria related to turnover (£36 million or more), balance sheet (£18 million or more), and employee numbers (250 or more) are required to report under SECR. Companies that consume less than 40,000 kWh of energy in the UK during the reporting period are exempt from the requirements. 

The SECR regulations are designed to increase awareness of energy costs within organisations, provide data to inform the adoption of energy efficiency measures and help businesses reduce their impact on climate change. The regulations also aim to improve transparency around environmental performance for investors and other stakeholders. 

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