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EIA Co-ordination for Lincolnshire Poultry Farms


Delta-Simons Environmental Consultants Ltd were appointed to co-ordinate the delivery of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Scoping Report and Environmental Statement, including Non-technical Summary, for six poultry farms across Lincolnshire.


Stonegate Farmers Ltd are a privately-owned business responsible for the operation of multiple poultry (chicken) farms, for egg-laying and chicken-rearing, across Lincolnshire. Stonegate were seeking to expand operations by improving facilities and increasing capacity at their sites. Due to the number of birds at each site, the development was a Schedule 1 EIA development under The Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2017. Therefore, it was a legally mandatory requirement for each of the planning applications to be accompanied by an Environmental Statement.

The purpose of the EIA and resultant Environmental Statement was to identify and assess: the likely significant effects on the environment resulting from the construction, operation and decommissioning of the Scheme; recommend appropriate mitigation measures to reduce the identified effects; and ensure that any possible environmental implications caused from the development were considered in the design and planning application decision-making process.

Scope of Works

  • Management of technical team including sub-consultants.
  • EIA Scoping, project management and technical review.
  • Technical Planning and design layout advice.

Each Environmental Statement discussed the impacts associated with the below topics:

  • Water resources.
  • Air quality and odour.
  • Greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Ground conditions.
  • Ecology.
  • Cultural Heritage.
  • Landscape and visual amenity.
  • Noise, traffic and transport.
  • Health impacts, focused on pest control measures.
  • Socioeconomics.

Delta-Simons also worked with the Architect to review the proposed design and incorporate embedded environmental mitigation, then supported responses to questions arising during the planning application consultation.

Outcomes / Client Benefit

Secured planning consent for all sites within the 16-week timeframe for EIA development.
Resulted in very limited planning conditions for client to discharge.
Delivered technical assessments to the standard required for Environmental Permitting.

Register for IMPACT Bulletin

Lucion Impact Bulletin

Verified. Accredited. Certified. Trusted.