Delta-Simons assisted a due diligence exercise for a Site purchase to accommodate a new data centre. The Site was progressing through planning for a similar end use and the Client wished to establish whether the application was suitable for their exact operational needs and whether there were any significant environmental liabilities.
Scope of Works
Delta-Simons undertook a full peer review of existing and submitted Environmental Statement (EIA), environmental reports and draft planning conditions. Delta-Simons then provided a risk rating for each element and discussed with the Client’s legal team how to address particular issues and influence contract negotiations to remove or limit environmental and planning liabilities.
The main issues associated with the changes were Air Quality emissions in proximity to sensitive receptors, ground contamination in relation to a below ground aquifer, potential issues associated with on Site power supply in the absence of a grid connection and potential product sourcing issues in relation to very specific back up power. generators that were specified in the assessment parameters.
Outcomes / Client Benefit
- Highlighted key risks that could not be resolved through the current permission
- Indicated key environmental matters that needed to be investigated prior and post contract exchange
- Assisted legal team developing environmental insurance and reliance requirements for the acquisition
- Undertook rapid assessments of various generators to ensure the assessed Air Quality emission rates could be met
- Provided on-demand ad-hoc support on complementary technical matters that were not originally in the brief