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Sustainability Consultant for Enterprise Ireland


Enterprise Ireland appointed Delta-Simons to look at the current situation in the UK and to highlight the potential research, development and commercial opportunities within the sustainable development markets. The market area for the sustainability study was focused on the environmental group of Enterprise Ireland’s existing client companies and those in the building and construction sector, with particular focus on SMEs.

Outline / Scope of Works

  • To identify current sustainable energy technologies;
  • To identify research and development opportunities in sustainable energy technology for Enterprise Ireland’s client companies; and
  • To explore opportunities for Enterprise Ireland’s client companies to enter the sustainable energy technology market.

Following the initial flood risk appraisals, one of the assets was identified as being located in an Environment Agency (EA) flood risk zone, therefore a further flood risk evaluation was performed by reviewing the sites current flood protection measures.

Outcome / Client Benefits

Through detailed research and interviews with existing technology providers, our team was able to identify a series of opportunities within the micro renewable energy market that were well placed to serve the needs of Enterprise Ireland’s client companies. These included opportunities within solar energy, micro wind energy, micro CHP, biomass, ground source heat pumps and photovoltaics.

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Lucion Impact Bulletin

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